Couch to 5k
Couch To 5K is back!
Have you lost motivation or suffered an injury and want restart on your running journey? Do you have a friend who wishes they could run like you but doesn’t know where to start? Are you already a runner looking to be able to finish a 5K without stopping? If you answered yes to any of those questions, KARC is here for you!
The KARC Couch To 5K program, under the expert guidance of Mark Darnell, will help you make friends on your way from zero to 5K.
The first session of the program will start at 6AM on Feb 18th. The meeting location will be behind Good Times Running Company by the fountains.
There will be weekly group runs on Saturdays with homework to do during the week and a few goal 5K races to be announced at the training sessions.
The final training session will be on April 18th.
If you have any questions about the program, please email training@katyarearunningclub.com.