Supported and Loved Runner Story

Janet Cheung

I started running in 2017 because I wanted to do something meaningful for myself. I was never athletic and was basically a couch potato. I thought running was an easy and cheap way to start with. I always ran alone and didn’t know any runner, but I decided to keep going. My family and I moved to Katy from Singapore in 2019, and I decided to join a running club. I searched “running club in Katy” on Google and boom! Katy Area Running Club popped up! I looked at the website and was skeptical about it for a month. I signed up and stalked on the FB posts for another 2 months before I started to join group runs. I’ll have to say this is how I met all these wonderful runners with similar dreams. We are competitive and supportive. I started wanting to do races, improve my time, and get serious about training. KARC Cougars and Falcons friends keep pushing me to reach my goals and make me believe I can do it; I can get better! I remember when I was listening to the “BQ conversation” for the first time, I just thought it would never be me. All these crazy conversations, encouragement, and countless group runs with my fellow Cougars and Falcons friends, made me achieve my goals! I just ran my first Boston Marathon with this fun group, and it made me believe that even a couch potato can be a Boston marathoner! Thank you KARC!!!